Our reviewers carefully audit and collect information from published cost-effectiveness articles. With the increasing popularity of CEAs, we are always looking for qualified reviewers to help us maintain the timeliness and accuracy of our database.
Regular Reading
Regular reviewers read from 10 to 20 articles every 3-4 weeks, as mutually agreed upon by the reviewer and the coordinator. Reviewers participate remotely.
Summer CEA Registry Internship
Our paid CEA Registry internship lasts eight weeks during the summer and involves reading approximately 20 CEA articles a week, conducting consensus with a partner, and attending lectures provided by our CEVR faculty. Applications for this position open mid-January and close around mid-March.
Our reviewers have an important role in sustaining our database. If you are interested in becoming one of our reviewers, you should:
Each reader is compensated $25 per on-time, acceptable, completed article (Readers may judge some articles as ineligible for inclusion in the Registry). Each article takes approximately one hour, though review times vary by reviewer or complexity of article. For non-U.S. citizens, a valid visa is required. Volunteers are also welcome.
Email a current CV to the CEA Registry team. Indicate if you are interested in the Regular Reading or Summer CEA Registry Internship program.